Saturday, October 3, 2009


I have not been blogging much recently due to some medication difficulties which have caused me to be fatigued more than usual. During this time, I've been shown the truth that the little things here matter more than other bigger things and I only have so much energy per day.
So I am putting most my energy towards our schooling and home life. We actually began back to our studies since mid-August and rejoined our home school group. We've been to Park Days to celebrate starting up again and are looking forward to a few field trips.
It's year nine for us and it took a little convincing myself this year. It wasn't a sure thing with how I have been feeling, so many doctor appointments and considering the girls ages and needs. There's many good private schools in the area, but none affordable. Quite frankly our experience of the public school with our son didn't fit the bill for the upper grades. I'd like to avoid it.
After much conversation, prayer and getting other help, I was convinced as every year since this experiment started to continue. Possibly the girl's wishes and these summer photo memories clinched it the most for me. The girls are motivated to be home and together. We're on to another year.


Ganeida said...

You know the high school years have been so hard with Ditz I've wavered on occasion but something always happens to convince me Homeschooling is still right for us too! ☺ Today I ran into a friend, for whom I am responsible for convincing she too could homeschool! lol ☺ & she is sooo happy she has perservered & her girls are just blossoming! It truly is a blessing.

naturalmom said...

"home and together" -- I like that. I hope you gain strength throughout the year.

Renee said...

Your girls are so precious! What a blessing for you all to have this experience. Our energy is so limited, isn't it. I know I have been struggling with the time I spend on the internet and I have come to the conclusion just lately that I need to drop out of a few groups and stick to my writing so as to have energy for Joel and for healing AND for my relationship with God.
Take care

Jan Lyn said...

Thanks. It's always good to hear from others that are like-minded. I've always thrived on our hsing, but as Renee has said, I have limited energy too. :)